Products admin October 23, 2023
For passenger, light commercial, heavy commercial, and L-class next-generation electric vehicles, interior trim, exterior trim, and body under parts are produced using thermoforming, composite, injection, and assembly processes.
Faraero can produce parts with high density polyethylene (HDPE) in the and Farform can produce parts with ABS material. In addition, parts can be produced using polyurethane and medium tonnage plastic injection methods under the umbrella of Farform.
Reasons such as the development of technology, increased awareness, lower fuel consumption and therefore carbon footprint have led manufacturers to make lighter vehicles.
Production is carried out on our medium and high tonnage machines and fully automatic injection lines. Especially if the parts we produce in thermoforming processes are requested to be produced with the injection process, we can continue to provide service without any product-supplier change.
ABS and HDPE plastic accessory parts are produced for pickup and SUV type vehicles. These accessories include parts such as front and rear skirt protection,
Air duct
Air ducts are produced for light commercial passenger carrying models and buses.